Chamber of Accountant Services

Table 1: Data on number, income and employees for the companies and the entrepreneurs sole proprietors in bookkeeping, accounting, tax consulting and auditing business (2012)

Companies by size Number Income in EUR Employees
Companies 2,050 241,526,326 3,840.13
Small Entrepreneurs (i) 2,466 72,702,091 683.57
Sum 4,512 313,724,665 4,512.70

Source: AJPES, data processing CCIS

(i) The number of employees does not include entrepreneurs themselves. According to Slovenian law they are not employed in their firms.


Table 2: Data from annual accounts for companies and the entrepreneurs sole proprietorsin bookkeeping, accounting, tax consulting and auditing business (2012)

  Companies Entrepreneurs
  in EUR index 12/11 in EUR index 12/11
1 Revenues 241,526,326 90.9 72,702,091 104.5
1.1 Net revenues from sale 231,564,910 90.5 71,807,547 104.8
1.2 Revenues from financing 5,260,832 110.7 74,302 228.3
1.3 Extraordinary income 1,845,046 112.1 439,291 72.2
2 Expenses 220,148,649 89.6 58,219,192 105.5
2.1 Operation expenses 213,330,451 89.3 57,600,727 105.6
2.2 Financing expenses 6,112,878 100.3 491,029 98.7
2.3 Extraordinary expenses 705,320 96.5 127,436 100.6
3. Total income (ii) / loss (iii) 21,421,206 107.4 --- ---
4. Corporate income tax 3,807,873 86.9 --- ---

Source: AJPES, data processing CCIS

(ii) Companies total income and entrepreneurs income are different categories and are not comparable.
(iii) Companies total loss and entrepreneurs total loss are different categories and are not comparable.


Main ratios 

  Companies Entrepreneurs
  Value Index 12/11 Value Index 12/11
Financial independence 42,7 105,4 --- ---
Overall efficiency 1,1 101,4 1,249 99
Profitability of sale 0,1 113,6 0,207 96,5
Added value per employee in EUR 33.293 100,7 52.294 102,4

Source: AJPES, data processing CCIS